
Greenaway Class

Mrs Cudmore

Class Teacher

Mrs Mably

Teaching Assistant

Greenaway Class is our Year 2 Class.  

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely half term break and enjoyed the recent sunny weather. Finally it feels like summer has arrived! I can’t believe we are entering the children’s final half term in Year 2. Where has that time flown by?

The children have really enjoyed exploring the question ‘Why were castles first built in England?’ and are looking forward to visiting Restormel Castle later this term to explore the remains of a Motte and Bailey Castle.

We begin this half term with a poetry focus linked to our work on castles before we move on to explore the question ‘Do dragons really exist and if they do how many different types of dragons are there?’ We will spend some time looking at the book ‘Tell Me A Dragon’ by Jackie Morris which describes the beautifully illustrated dragons inside her book. We will also be thinking about ‘real life’ dragons around the world. If you have any books at home linked to our topic we would love you to send them in so that we can share them with the class. We promise to take good care of them until the end of term.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful projects that have been sent in so far. The castles and dragons made at home look amazing and the children have enjoyed sharing them with the class. It is not too late to take part in our termly challenge if you would like to do so. Please see further details on the back of this booklet.

This half term we will spend our story time sessions listening to ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd.

Termly Challenge

Each term we would like the children to contribute towards the class topic. This term we would like the children to use recycled materials to make either a castle or dragon. It would be nice to have these in just after half term, (or earlier if you would prefer). Thank you! 

Here is an outline of the things that happen every week:

Monday - Homework and spellings are given out. 

Monday - PE with Mr Rickard and computing with Mr Hawtin.     

Thursday - Visit to the library to choose a new book.                                       

Friday - Active mile, spelling test, maths homework returned. PE with Mrs Cudmore. 

Please can the children bring in a named water bottle each day. Please remember to send your child's PE kit into school in a named carrier bag ready for their PE lessons on a Monday and Friday afternoon. Don’t forget to send your child to school wearing their trainers and jogging bottoms on a Friday ready for our active mile in the morning.

With very best wishes,

Mrs Cudmore



Meet our wonderful Greenaway stars! 
Spring Term Photos
Summer Term Photos

St Minver School
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