
KS2 Performance Data

At St Minver School we are very proud of the achievement of all of our children. From their various starting points, everyone is expected to make progress and strive towards their daily Personal Best in all areas of their development.
In addition, we are required to publish attainment data at the end of Key Stage 2 in order to compare achievement at our school both locally and nationally.
The downloadable documents below represents our school’s Key Stage 2 'Attainment and Progress' for the last three years of results. (There were no results in 2020 or 2021, due to school closure and the cancelling of tests and formal assessments). These documents also gives you further information about Year 1 Phonics Screening, Key Stage 1 attainment and our Pupil Premium group of students. Further data is available on the Department for Education’s website (see link included below).

Please do contact the school if you have any further queries.

St Minver School
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